Tag Archives: Drug Charge Lawyer Omaha

Lawyer for Drug Charges in Omaha: DREs New Police Weapon

As a lawyer for drug charges in Omaha, Daniel Stockmann has seen a major uptick in the number of marijuana-related arrests. Local law enforcement is known for patrolling the interstates and doing traffic stops for minor offenses, like failure to signal or a broken taillight, as well as unprovable offenses, like following too close or … Continue reading Lawyer for Drug Charges in Omaha: DREs New Police Weapon

Weed Lawyer in Omaha: California Licenses Spur Legalization

Daniel Stockmann, top weed lawyer in Omaha, works with many clients on their drug-related cases. Because Nebraska is a state that opposes all legalized forms of marijuana, it’s no surprise that citizens of the state often end up in hot water over seemingly minor marijuana incidents. This cannabis culture is a stark contrast to the … Continue reading Weed Lawyer in Omaha: California Licenses Spur Legalization

Lawyer Drug Charges Omaha: 3 Ways the War on Drugs has Failed

As a lawyer for drug charges in Omaha, Daniel Stockmann has seen countless cases and has unique insights into drug crimes, those accused of them, how the criminal justice system works, and how the legislation took root. Launched by President Nixon in 1971 and signed in 1972, the “War on Drugs” was supposed to save … Continue reading Lawyer Drug Charges Omaha: 3 Ways the War on Drugs has Failed

Omaha Drug Charge Lawyer: Ebola-Laced Meth & Other Tricks Cops Play

Omaha drug charge lawyer Daniel Stockmann has heard it all when it comes to the tricks cops play in order to apprehend a suspect or to get him to confess. Though April Fool’s Day has come and gone, these tactics persist and are routinely used by law enforcement agents. Sometimes they’re legal, and sometimes they’re … Continue reading Omaha Drug Charge Lawyer: Ebola-Laced Meth & Other Tricks Cops Play

Omaha Drug Crimes Defense Lawyers to See Prescription Loopholes Close

Omaha drug crimes defense lawyers may see an increase in prescription drug cases, starting in as little as a year. New legislation was unanimously passed just a few weeks ago that will put new monitoring systems in place, while removing individual opt-out rights previously existed for Nebraskans. Given that many states already have much tougher … Continue reading Omaha Drug Crimes Defense Lawyers to See Prescription Loopholes Close