Tag Archives: kinds of drug addiction

Defending Against a Criminal Drug Charge

Every criminal drug charge is different, whether you are charged with criminal possession or delivery of a controlled substance. With that being said, all defenses against those charges are different as well. It is quite difficult to predict how a criminal defense attorney may help you and fight for your rights. However, an experienced lawyer … Continue reading Defending Against a Criminal Drug Charge

Medical Marijuana and DUI Cases

Most people know that it is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, including marijuana. However, some people aren’t aware that even if you have a medical marijuana license, you cannot drive while under the influence. While Omaha drug crimes consider all marijuana against the law, some people with medical marijuana … Continue reading Medical Marijuana and DUI Cases

Should You Talk To The Police?

One of the most common questions we get from people when they first come into our office, whether they have been charged with possession of controlled substance, a DUI, or something else, is whether or not they should talk to the police. The answer, almost resoundingly, is no. Whether you were arrested or voluntarily went … Continue reading Should You Talk To The Police?

How Social Media Can Earn You A Drug Charge

Most people don’t realize that it is incredibly easy to get into trouble simply because of what you post on social media. Even if your Facebook profile is closed and you have an under the radar Instagram account, you can easily get yourself in trouble. Whether you are posting about going to a concert when … Continue reading How Social Media Can Earn You A Drug Charge

Are Drug Field Tests Unreliable?

All over the United States, including in Nebraska, drug possession arrests and convictions all relate back to drug field tests. However, an experienced drug attorney understands that there is a possibility that the test kits used for field testing are not quite as reliable as we have been led to believe. In fact, they are … Continue reading Are Drug Field Tests Unreliable?

Why Is Meth So Popular In Nebraska?

The use of meth (or methamphetamine) has increased to extremely high levels within the last few years. It can legally be obtained through a doctor as a treatment for many different diseases or illegally on the streets. Since the drug is so addictive, it is very, very rarely prescribed by doctors except in the most … Continue reading Why Is Meth So Popular In Nebraska?

Defining & Defending A Wrongful Arrest

If you have been arrested, detained, or held against your will by the police, you might have been wrongfully arrested and should fight it. Whether it was a traffic stop or due to marijuana enforcement on the Nebraska Colorado border, you want to retain a lawyer who will help you fight for your rights. Contact … Continue reading Defining & Defending A Wrongful Arrest

Should Addiction Be Charged As a Crime?

For anyone who even pays a small amount of attention to the news, reading that drug addiction, particularly heroin and opioid addiction, is a widespread problem that continues to grow. No matter where you are in the country or who you are, you likely know someone who has been impacted by drug addiction – whether … Continue reading Should Addiction Be Charged As a Crime?