Tag Archives: Possession With Intent To Distribute

Why Have I Been Charged With Possession With Intent To Distribute?

Possession with intent to distribute is a unique charge in that there are a few different ways in which you can get that charge. People charged with possession with intent to distribute often have a harder time getting their sentences reduced, fighting those charges, and settling out of court. This is a serious crime and … Continue reading Why Have I Been Charged With Possession With Intent To Distribute?

Colorado Border Checkpoints 2021: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries

Marijuana Possession

Over the last few years, the number of people who are going into other states for medical marijuana and then coming back into Nebraska has skyrocketed. Part of this is because it has just become easier to get – there are dispensaries opening up all along the borders between Colorado and Nebraska, in particular. People … Continue reading Colorado Border Checkpoints 2021: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries

Do You Need A Lawyer To Plead Guilty To Possession With Intent?

People who have been charged with possession with intent to distribute or deliver a drug often resort to pleading guilty to the charges. They believe that because they did have drugs on them, they cannot possibly fight the charges. Those people, who often feel defeated already, don’t think they need a lawyer. This simply isn’t … Continue reading Do You Need A Lawyer To Plead Guilty To Possession With Intent?

What’s the Difference Between Possession and Intent to Distribute?

The possession of drugs or a controlled substance with the intent to distribute or sell is a felony offense under most state laws, including Nebraska. Nebraska drug laws are quite strict, and the federal laws are even more stringent due to the drug crisis that we are experiencing. The charges for possession and possession with … Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Possession and Intent to Distribute?