Tag Archives: Colorado border checkpoints

Colorado Border Checkpoints 2021: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries

Marijuana Possession

Over the last few years, the number of people who are going into other states for medical marijuana and then coming back into Nebraska has skyrocketed. Part of this is because it has just become easier to get – there are dispensaries opening up all along the borders between Colorado and Nebraska, in particular. People … Continue reading Colorado Border Checkpoints 2021: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries

Will Medical Marijuana Come To Nebraska?

There is a new petition going around to get medical marijuana legalization on the 2021 ballot in Nebraska. Previously, the state legislature has rejected attempts to establish some kind of medical cannabis program within Nebraska. As such, two Senators, Adam Morfeld and Anna Wishart formed a committee to get the issue before voters instead. Medical … Continue reading Will Medical Marijuana Come To Nebraska?

Colorado Border Checkpoints 2019: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries

Within the last few years, more and more states have taken to legalizing marijuana for medicinal and recreational use. This means that more people within those states (and those outside of them) have started to use marijuana recreationally or as a treatment for diseases. For those who are looking to visit a marijuana dispensary, whether … Continue reading Colorado Border Checkpoints 2019: What To Know After Going to Marijuana Dispensaries