Tag Archives: criminal defense attorney Omaha

Omaha Drug Charges Lawyer: Cops Lose Funds; Turn to Crime

Our Omaha drug charges lawyer blog often covers what’s happening inside specific agencies and task forces. Some time ago, we covered the story of one particular task force known as WING losing its funding, and what that meant for law enforcement and arrests. As it turns out, some of the agents involved in that task … Continue reading Omaha Drug Charges Lawyer: Cops Lose Funds; Turn to Crime

Omaha Criminal Defense Lawyer: IN Laws Explode in Confusion

Legalizing marijuana has been a longstanding controversial subject in the United States. Omaha criminal defense lawyer, Daniel Stockmann, stays current on marijuana laws and uses his knowledge to successfully guide clients facing drug charges in Nebraska. Despite the majority of the U.S. holding relaxed views about weed, conservative lawmakers in each state, including Nebraska, continue … Continue reading Omaha Criminal Defense Lawyer: IN Laws Explode in Confusion

Criminal Lawyer Omaha: NE in Least-likely to Legalize List

It’s no secret by now that some states in the U.S. are falling behind the trend when it comes to legalizing marijuana. The majority of Americans are in favor of legalization, so why do some states continue to balk at the idea? For criminal lawyer Daniel Stockmann of Omaha, Nebraska, much of his work is … Continue reading Criminal Lawyer Omaha: NE in Least-likely to Legalize List

Criminal Defense Attorney Omaha: CO to Crackdown on Weed

As a criminal defense attorney of Omaha, Daniel Stockmann, is quite familiar with Colorado’s marijuana laws and regulations. Understanding cannabis use in a legalized state is crucial to understanding how to help citizens of a state with opposing policies if they face any drug charges. Though the perception of Colorado’s stance on marijuana is liberal, … Continue reading Criminal Defense Attorney Omaha: CO to Crackdown on Weed